venerdì 25 febbraio 2011


Yesterday a bunch of us decided to walk to Fiesole which is a small town on top of a very high hill outside of Florence.  It is on Frommer's top 13 things to do in Florence so we figured we had to conquer it.  The book said you can take a bus there or take the challenge of walking.  We google mapped it and it came out to around 3 1/2 miles so we were up for it.

It ended up being a much harder walk than expected with a steep incline the entire way.  We felt very accomplished once at the top and were expecting to eat dinner on a balcony to see the view.  When we asked one of the shop owners where a place to eat was he said Florence.  We ended up buying a euro bus ticket back  and ate in Florence.

Now were off to Venice for the night to go to the Carnevale!

I forgot my camera so the pictures aren't as good because they're from my phone
 Hiking up to the top

 View of Florence from the top
Country side view

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